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hurm...this is the latest news about PLKN or trainee of special army program for youngteen inside the country. its really shameful for the country if this news still go on, i hope that our government will make another investigation about the effectiveness of PLKN itself, whether its really come out with a good benefit or not for our future leader.

from today news, that i got from, said a case that talk about PLKN trainee, if before we was shocked by a few news about PLKN issues such as bullies and so on, but not really difference with this new case.

all 18 women trainee in Kuala Terengganu was asked to open their cloth by the trainer. from this report, it said that, the trainee was asked to stand up for 4 hours from 8am to 12am and just allowed to wear only bra and underwear. it so embarassing thisng..and sould not happen..

i hope all the readers may give more comment regarding this case..and thank you for reading.. you may view the full report from this link metro


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